“0ptim1ze is not what it used to be”, was the heading of the latest blog article we posted on our website.
We can update this now: “0ptim1ze is no more.”
After nine years of growing in numbers and expertise, we decided it was time for a new flag to better cover the load. And after a year of quietly working on our rebranding process, 0ptim1ze has finally become PAN.
Pan is the name of a rather naughty god in the Greek mythology, to whom three extrordinay powers were attributed. He could run long distances, transform objects, and teleport between Mount Olympus and earth. We don’t boast similar powers, but we do our best to excell in our own field. PAN stands for People And Numbers, and underscores our vision that people make the difference when it comes to numbers. That the dedication of our team is the main force that drives concrete, measurable results for our clients.
In this respect nothing has changed. Only the ways in which we can help our clients grow have expanded over the years.
So, now that you are on our new website, have a look around, and see what’s new.